Spray module primary scab
In the fruitweb primary scab model it is possible to display the fungicide treatments in the graphic.
1. Manage sprays
Below the scab graphic is the “Manage spraying” button. There you can create different spray plans and enter your fungicide treatments.
1.1 Add spray plan
Click on the Add spray plan button and give the spray plan a name. This now appears in the list. If you select the spray plan you can create new sprays.
1.2 Create a new spray
Here you have to enter the following data:
- Date and Time
- spray product
You can optionally provide the following information:
- Degree hours for curative effect (overrides fungicide default settings)
- Comment
- Coverage duration in days (this information is required if the setting “Linear coating removal” or “No coating removal” is selected in the scab view. NO information on the coating duration is required for the “Calculated coating removal” setting)
1.3 Manage sprays
In the overview, click on the “Manage sprays” button. A list of the preset spray agents appears. These cannot be changed. If you want to expand the list, click on the “Add spray” button. Give the product a name and add the desired properties.
2. Apply sprays
If you would like to see how your sprayings affect potential scab infections, select the desired plan in the „Spraying plan“ selection field in the „Primary scab“ view.
The sprayings are now displayed in the scab graphic. You can use the “Pavement removal” field to select how the pavement should be removed. Three variants are available:
- Calculated degradation: This is the default setting. The degradation of the covering is calculated using the influencing factors growth, plant stage and washing off by rain. The blue area shows the assumed efficiency level. It usually starts at 98% and ends at 75% (can be changed in the spray agent settings). The graphic then shows what effects this would have on the infection. In the example below you can see that under the given conditions the infection is significantly reduced, but the infection cannot be completely prevented.
- Linear degradation: in order to be able to use this type of coating removal, you must always specify a coating duration in days when creating the sprayings. In some fruit-growing areas, the plant protection service specifies how long the covering can be expected. If you do not have this information, please use the “Calculated covering duration” view for the covering duration.
The degradation of the deposit is then reduced linearly from the maximum efficiency to the minimum efficiency over the period of the specified deposit duration. This module was renamed in January 2024 and was previously called „Efficiency 75%“. - No degradation: Same as “linear degradation”, but no degradation takes place over the specified covering duration. This module was renamed in January 2024 and was previously called „Efficiency 100%“.
3. Representation of rain resistance
The spray coating is shown in light blue in the graphic. If heavy rain falls, the color can also change to dark blue and red (see examples above with dark blue). This means the following:
- Light blue: no rain has fallen since spraying or only so much that 75% of the rain resistance has not yet been achieved.
Example: The rain resistance of the product is 10mm. Then less than 7.5mm of rain fell. - Dark blue: so much rain has fallen since spraying that 75% of the rain resistance has been exceeded but not yet 100%.
Example: The rain resistance of the product is 10mm. Then between 7.5mm and 10mm of rain fell. - Red: enough rain has fallen since spraying that 100% rain resistance has been achieved.
How much rain has fallen since spraying?
This information can be easily read from the primary scab graphic. If a spray schedule is displayed, a spray always resets the rain total to zero.
Please note: the effect of fungicide sprays is a very complex process with many influencing factors. The fruitweb simulation is therefore a great simplification. The real situation can differ significantly from the simulation. This must be taken into account when considering the results.